Hotel information
Suggested by the Organizer: Student house „Riviera” (100m from the playing venue) in studio rooms (room+room+bathroom) from 1st till 10th August, 2008
Prices for accommodation and meals:
With meals (full board):
- triple room – 80 PLN per person per day;
- double room – 90 PLN per person per day;
- single room 120 PLN per person per day.
Without meals:
- triple room – 45 PLN per person per day;
- double room – 55 PLN per person per day;
- single room 85 PLN per person per day.
Payment for accommodation and meals should be made by July 15, 2008, to the bank account:
- Fundacja na Rzecz Wspierania Szachów w Warszawie, ul. Konwiktorska 6, 00-206 Warszawa
bank: Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., XV O/ Warszawa;
nr rachunku: 95 1240 2887 1111 0010 0485 3355
(please clearly state which players the payment concerns)
Foreign players can make the payment to the organizer, on their arrival to the Festival.
Tournament Director
Maria Macieja
Deputy Tournament Director
Jarosław Kowalewski